Friday, November 25, 2011

Google work


Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This week Peter presented us his work for the speaking class about Google+. He expleined us a few things like how to join, the privacy settings and other aplications. At the end we discussed about the pros and cons of Google+,  Tuenti and Facebook. I think that the best one is Facebook because it has mor users, more applications and it's more international. But Google+ and  Tuenti have a better privacyty. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011


This week Ruth made her power-point for the speaking class. It was about tuenti, the biggest spanish social network. It is very simmilar to facebook but they have some differences. For exapmle, in facebook you can like comments, status, pictures or whatever and in tuenti you just can like pictures and status. Another difference is that in tuenti, there is a profile's visitor counter. At the end of Ruth's presentation, we discussed about wich social network do we use more. Most of the class use tuenti and I do too because most of my friends prefer it. But I think facebook is better.