Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Diferences between RenRen and Facebook


My power-point for the speaking class was about facebook and our teacher Ana, told us that we haver to post some differences between  RenRen and facebook. RenRen is avery famous social network in China, it's probably the closest thing to facebook.

  • RenRen does not make most of its revenue from advertising the way facebook does.
  • RenRen has a visitor counter in each profile.
  • Facebook has relationship status and family information.
  • You can customize RenRen's background.
  • At RenRen you can make a couple profile if you want.
  •  RenRen has a limitation of characters in it's status of 150 characters

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Facebook work

This is my power-point for the speaking class. It's about facebok and other things related to it. I hope you like it!Facebook
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